Contact Information

Give us a call

Phone: +41 32 686 26 26


Fax: +41 32 686 26 00

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How to find us

Hauptstrasse 81, 4528 Zuchwil


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Arrival by public transport

By Train you reach us the following way:

Take the train to Solothurn main station. There you change to the bus (departure is in front of the station terminal A):

Option1 exit at bus station "Kornfeld": Bus number 1 (Recherswil), 5 or 7 (both Herzogenbuchsee). Get off the bus at station "Kornfeld" (1st stop) and follow the street. The hotel Martinshof is behind the red and yellow houses.

Option 2 exit at bus station "Martinshof": Bus number 6 (Biberist RBS). Get off at the bus at station "Martinshof" (3rd stop). The bus stop ist right next to the Hotel.